
Showing posts from April, 2019

Project of Choice

This idea started from a photo i took in downtown Boston, MA  I like my pieces to have simplicity yet have angles and shading that make it more than simple, like the red door or the clouds “drawing” in from behind the buildings. I usually start off with mechanical pencil, using a ruler i neatly draw each and every line. Then after everything is in place i go over it very fast and messy. My main principle is to distort the average viewing position of real life.

Visual Narrative

This piece to me was a chance to show the emotion of how some people can feel on a day to day basis. I used pencil along with a touch of red. I like having all graphite on my work then adding the color red into it to make it pop and prosper the viewer. People can “paint a picture” of what their life seems to be, but you can never for sure know what someone is going thru. I chose to draw a bully or someone that just doesn’t get along with rules to well, in a hard place in their head. Everyone has something to deal with, no matter who you are.